Ensuring Diversity in the Study and Practice of Innovation

Why Black Communities Must Embrace Innovation
While Blacks in the U.S. have a labor participation rate of roughly 60%, merely 2.9% of said rate occupy the Innovation profession, technological and non-technological, at a rate of representation of 0.1%. In order to minimize and mitigate black socio-economic inequality, racial wealth gaps, and socio-demographic disparities, blacks must occupy high career growth opportunities in the areas of science, engineering, math, technology, and now, innovation.
Moreover, the critical need for diversity and inclusion within our workforce today is undeniable. Research shows that a healthy, diverse, and inclusive workplace provides several benefits, such as integrative perspectives to inform decisions, an ability to engage and capture a broader audience, and an increased productivity level of employees who generate greater output in this increasingly globalized and competitive marketplace.
Building a more sustainable and diverse pathway for the future of Innovation begins with NSAAI.
D.I.S.C. After-School
Enrichment Program
Integrate the DISC After-school Enrichment Program into your Elementary school today.
Innovation - High School Exposure
STEM Charter
STEM Magnet
STEM Immersion
Innovation - Collegiate Preparation
* College Entry Prep into an Innovation Degree Program
* Scholarships
* Mentorships
* Internships
* Community Outreach
Innovation - Professional Application
*Community Engagement
*Professional Appointment
Innovation - Lifelong Commitment
*Research & Development
*Market Analysis
*Program Membership Retention
*Global Expansion

Our Mission
(NSAAI), a nonprofit 501(c)(3), is committed to disrupting the Innovation ecosystem by diversifying communities where innovation is researched and applied. While less than 5% of Blacks and African Americans occupy the Innovation profession, NSAAI aims to increase the percentage of Blacks in Innovation by bridging the gap between the demographic majority and the Black and African American minority. NSAAI aims to achieve this goal by first making Black and African American High School students aware of BA/BS Innovation degree program opportunities. Second, NSAAI strives to assist Black and African American college graduates with obtaining occupational careers in the field of Innovation. Last, NSAAI commits to achieving parity in innovation through mentorship, scholarship, advocacy, sponsorship, and professional appointment. The vision of NSAAI is to shape the future of innovation by ensuring that the representation among the African American innovator is both disruptive and commonplace in academia and practice.

Are You Ready to Join Our Efforts?
For more information on how to become a part of our team or to help support our cause, email: thesaai22@gmail.com